Twins have always held the interest of people. Who can resist the curiosity? Barbie doll look-alikes in youth ... cloned tag-team partners in adulthood. The odds of having twins is about 3% among Caucasians, but unfortunately down to about 1% among Asians. The odds increase with age to as much as 17% for mothers over 45 years old. And ... no, twinning does not necessarily skip generations.
My twin dates were the cutest things when they were babies (according to them...). They were identical-looking and often played "switcheroo" tricks on their teachers and friends. Today, the toll of lives lived in different directions has allowed a difference in look, stride and demeanor that allows easy identification. But a passion for culinary adventure continues to bind and bond them ...
We chose to try out the relatively new Palatofino in Makati. It is a small,cozy, homey, unpretentious haven of Mediterranean dining. It was a warm night. I chose not to stay in the quaint al fresco terrace (where I would have chosen to stay on cooler nights). Instead I picked a nice intimate corner table inside. We were greeted by the gracious proprietor Christina Metelman - an impecabbly dressed, attractively bronzed Filipina. She personally briefed us on the specials of the night, and engaged us in conversation as she led us on a tour of the substantial menu offerings.
Sipping a flavorful German Riesling wine, we started with a "Calamari Fresca" appetizer that is to die for, and "pita bread with Baba Ganouch". My twins had Chicken Orange and Snapper dishes. I was focused on my Bisteca al Florentina wth pasta - a tasty spiced up variant using tender Brazilian beef. Their dessert of Belgian Chocolate Mousse transported me to chocoholic heaven ...

This is a place I could keep going back to.
Good wine, good food, good personalized service ...
Given the great company I was with .... it was a perfect evening.
Ohhhhhhhh, I almost forgot - Palatofino not only delivers but will also allow you to "hire a chef" for home parties !
Do I sound like I love this place?
You betcha' ...
150 Jupiter St. cor Saturn
Call 751-0431
Nice writeup Ernie! ... with the description of the twins closely grabbing interest from the dining experience ... to people who don't know you're married to one of a twin, "sino kaya iyon dalawa?" one would wonder.
Anyway, thanks again for the wonderful evening!
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