I promised you in a previous post that I would tell you where the best crispy pata in town is ...
Well, according to a survey of warm blooded males in Metro Manila... that distinction is conferred upon the crispy pata in Victoria Court. It is available as part of 24hour room service. It has just the right tenderness, super malutong balat and a tangy soy sauce/vinegar “sawsawan.”. A couple of SanMig Lights makes the day (uhmmm or is it the night ?).
Victoria Court is a chain of “family-oriented” drive-in hotels (previously refered to as motels) in Metro Manila. I guess it’s called family-oriented because if you are not careful what you do there– you might end up having a family.
Victoria Court is ISO 9001:2000 certified for service such that you don't have to pay for your room if you waited:
• For more than 15 minutes for a clean room
• For more than 30 minutes for your food
• For more than 10 minutes for your bill

Room rates range from P215.00 - P4,700.00 depending on room type(standard, deluxe, suite, VIP), and length of stay. Upon driving into the m(h)otel property, you can signal the room type to the garage attendant, by flashing anywhere from 1-4 fingers from behind your heavily tinted window as the rest of your “family” slides down her seat and buries her head under the dashboard.
After the attendant has rolled the garage door down, you can climb up the rather steep wooden stairs. There are two doors, one after the other to ensure security. Both have chain locks in addition to standard door locks.
Rooms have standard amenities ' Some include karaoke, Jacuzzi, VCD players, and large screen TVs. Larger suites have playstation units in case you have nothing to do in the room ....
So, if you are looking for a hole-some ... errrrrr, I mean wholesome nocturnal experience, and enjoy (ehem) eating .... uhmmmmmm, drive it in ... awwwwww, I mean drive in to a Victoria Court ** nearest you.
All information on the crispy pata and about Victoria Court has been gathered from friends and other sources who have actually been there. I myself have never been ... (the paper slippers that my wife saw in my bag were a gift from those friends).
Victoria Court
Escarpment Road, Pasig City
For inquiries:
671-9782 Escarpment
671-9786 Suites
671-9789 Canley
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