And I am hungry ...
It's 11:30pm and all restos are closed or are closing.
Where to eat ?
Neon lights, blaring music - 24 hours OPEN
Thank God for diners ...
Diners trace their history to 1872 when horse-drawn dining wagons were equipped to serve hot meals to workers in Rhode Island. It was a small business opportunity that allowed the entrepreneur the ability to serve multiple downtown locations without having to buy expensive real estate (parang jolly-jeep ).
Eventually diners became fixed resto establishments with preference for 50's and 60's decor - serving Americana foodfare - hotdogs, hamburger, chili, french fries, club sandwiches, breakfast omelets,pancakes, French toast ...
Decorated with memorabilia of the dance intense 1950's to 70's - it is characterized by neon, Wurlitzer jukeboxes, vintage automobile parts and Hollywood or rock n' roll icon picture displays .
The diners are typically open 24 hours - a lifesaver for me.
My first meal is a typical 100% ground beef burger with giant french fries and a huge glass of cola. All this and the music of Elvis Presley ...
I was going to order spaghetti but aside from the fact that one order is so much that it can feed my whole barangay, it looked like walang halo na hotdog ... so - baka hindi masarap (as in spaghetti ng pinoy)
At the end of my meal, I typically motioned the rectangular shape with my fingers and asked for the "chit" . Siempre nakatikim ako mula sa waitress na higante ng ... "say whaaaat? "
Welcome to America .
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